A new post topic I thought I'd add. A series of random,  interesting or funny quotes by Mike Patton from throughout the years. Just for fun :)


[Q]: Are you a big drinker, generally?

Mike Patton: “Naaah. I wouldn’t 
say big. I do enjoy it. [laughs] 
I would say I’m a, how do you 
call it? a ‘maintenance drinker’. 
Not a binger, but a 
maintenance alcoholic: I do 
it every now and 

[Q]: Do you ever drink for creative inspiration?

Mike Patton: “No no no. 
I get anything but creative. 
When I drink I dumb it down. 
It’s more about getting 
beligerent. Caveman 
tendencies come out. I get 
a little more aggressive 
than I should be."

*(Extracted from an Interview on Mondo Cane, 2010)

Photograph by Peter Kupfer 
